Text Messaging and The Better Lab


The Better Lab uses text messages to help you build consistent practices that support better sleep and to make it easy for you to track your practice so we can best support and coach you. We have found based on feedback from many users that they like the simplicity of getting key reminders as text messages and they like the ease with which they can update their practice by simply messaging us. 

We only send you messages to remind you of your practice, key actions to take (such as your weekly planning session) to get the most out of our service and your sleep, or important app updates. Of course, some aspects of our service can only be delivered effectively in our app and you can always track your practice directly in the app as well. You have control over receiving these messages and can always turn them off in your app settings.

Messages We Send

Practice Reminder

Reminder to do your practice at or shortly before your selected time

Practice Confirmation

If you don’t record your practice, we will remind you to later in the day

Sleep Check-In

If you don’t record your sleep for 3 days, we will remind you to give us an update on it

Coach Messages

We will send occasional tips and messages from the coach about your sleep and/or practice

You can update the tracking of your practice directly in the app, but also by simply messaging The Better Lab.

To confirm that you did your practice, you can text pretty much anything affirmative in nature such as ‘Yes’, ‘Did It’, ‘✅, 👍, etc. If you didn’t do your practice, you can do the opposite such as ‘No’,”Nope”, ❌, 👎, etc. 

You don’t need to wait for a message from us checking in either - you can send us an update whenever it’s convenient and we will update your tracking and send you a summary of the week so far directly as a message. By default we assume you are messaging us about the most recent day we are tracking (which is yesterday if your practice is an evening practice or today if it’s a daytime practice).

You can also update or even change your practice log on for a specific day by texting the day and the status, such as ‘Sunday Yes’, or ‘Monday No’.

Managing Your Preferences

SMS messages from The Better Lab are opt-in only - we ask for your consent when you first create an account. If you would like to stop receiving them or turn them back on after turning them off, you can click the Settings Tab in the app and then turn off or on ‘Enable SMS Reminders’

In the future, we plan to provide you more control of the types of messages you receive as well as support for app notifications as well as text messages. 

Please reach out to support@thebetterlab.io if you have any questions!