The Science Behind Better Sleep
The Better Lab guides you to build impactful, science-backed practices to sleep better that stick. Here are just some of the impactful practices that we use to help improve your sleep, based on peer-reviewed scientific research.
Develop a consistent bedtime and wake time
Maintaining consistent bed and wake times day-to-day helps improve your sleep and cognitive function. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day so your brain learns when to be tired and when to be alert.
Morning sunlight powers better sleep
Getting 10 minutes of direct sunlight outside 30-60 minutes after waking and ideally no later than 9 a.m. helps set your Circadian rhythm and will help you get better, more restful sleep.
The buzz about caffeine and sleep
To get better sleep, consume less caffeine and stop caffeine consumption earlier in the day. Caffeine is a stimulant and the more of it you consume and the later in the day you consume it, the more likely it becomes that it will interfere with your sleep.
Limit blue light exposure at night
Taking steps to limit blue light exposure in the hours leading up to bed can increase your chances of falling asleep.
Hot water exposure to sleep better
Taking a hot shower or bath 1-2 hours before bedtime can help you fall asleep. Hot water exposure helps your core body temperature drop which is an important part of the process that initiates sleep.
Drink less alcohol + stop earlier
Limit your number of alcoholic drinks and stop consuming alcohol earlier in the evening to reduce the impact it has on your sleep. Alcohol has sedative effects that can make us feel sleepy initially, but it can also interfere with our sleep patterns later in the night.
Sleep extension to enhance physical & mental performance
Increase the amount of time you spend in bed to 9-10 hours to sleep longer which enhances physical …
Meditate before bedtime to find better sleep
Meditating before bedtime can help you to relax and prepare your body and mind for sleep. Mindfulness meditation can help reduce anxious thoughts and stress levels, which puts you in a better state to fall asleep and sleep more soundly
Journal your way to better sleep
To fall asleep more quickly, or if you have trouble falling back asleep when you wake up during the night, spend some time journaling before bed. Many people find that they ruminate on a worry or things they have to do tomorrow in bed, and journaling before sleep can help clear your head.
Breathing exercises to relax & go back to sleep
A short breathing exercise at bedtime can help you fall asleep more quickly and improve your sleep quality. It can also help you fall back asleep if you wake up during the night.
Take a 30-minute nap before 3 p.m. to feel more alert and improve cognitive performance. If you have time to take a short nap, you’ll see benefits whether you had poor sleep or great sleep the night prior.
Stop using social media around your bedtime to avoid getting animated right before you turn off the lights or delaying your bedtime by getting sucked in. Using social media close to bedtime can overstimulate you and create the wrong conditions for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.